
I’ve been thinking a lot recently on the subject of kindness. I enjoy reading stories on the r/randomactsofkindness community on Reddit , and I reread an article on Medium from back in September about being kind for no reason.

I appreciate the fact that a lot of our daily interactions with people involve a lot of unnoticed and unacknowledged kindnesses. Things as simple as the polite smiles one gives or receives when a door is held open. A lot of the time we focus on those who are inconsiderate or rude. I want to start thinking more of those who are kind, friendly or polite – just for the sake of it, asking nothing in return. 

This is not a rebuke or an admonishment to anyone. Just an encouragement to everyone to keep being kind, and to be grateful for the kindnesses extended to you. 

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash