About Don Livingston

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Husband, Father, Web Developer, Digital Craftsman, Tech Enthusiast, Teller of Dad Jokes, and Aficionado of Puns. Current resident of New Jersey, periodically found in and around the New York City Metro area. Huge Technology & Science Geek whose love for learning and finding out how things work borders on the obsessive. When not in front of a computer screen, is usually found in the company of wife Eliese, playing Lego with son Kyler, or out walking dogs Murphy and Gidget.

If you’d like to get to know me better, you may read my blog or you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, or any of the other online communities I frequent. If you’re interested in my professional work, you can view my Portfolio site.

My Happy Family

Murphy - Chief Fur Production Officer and head of Human-Canine Relations
Murphy – Chief Fur Production Officer and head of Human-Canine Relations

Gidget – Professional Snuggler