Getting Unstuck – Get Started, Get Moving, and Keep on Moving

Photo by Anna Tarazevich

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Have you ever found yourself standing at the crossroads of ambition and uncertainty, unsure of where to begin your journey? I’ve been there, and as a web developer currently navigating the twists and turns of professional redefinition, I understand the weight of that question all too well.

As an aspiring content creator, the prospect of building a personal brand to propel my professional career forward has always loomed on the horizon. However, it’s not always easy to take that first step, especially when the path ahead seems shrouded in ambiguity.

I’m currently in a state of professional transition, and I’ve found myself at a crossroads. I’m currently unemployed and I’m striving to progress in my career, yet the question lingers: How does one get unstuck? The answer, I’ve come to realize, lies in the simplicity of movement—just start moving, start creating.

This motivational echo reverberates through countless social media posts, a constant reminder that the first attempts at anything worthwhile will likely fall short of perfection. It’s encapsulated in a powerful message that first appeared on Twitter (but has since circulated all over the internet):

"Your first workout will suck.

Your first podcast will suck.

Your first video will suck.

Your first speech will be bad.

Your first article will be bad.

But you can't make your 100th without making your first. Put your pride to the side and START!


So, here I stand, ready to embrace imperfection, acknowledging that the road ahead might be filled with stumbling blocks and awkward beginnings. The key is not to let the fear of inadequacy paralyze progress but rather to channel it into a driving force for improvement.

Getting started is often the most formidable challenge, but it’s a hurdle we must overcome. For a web developer like myself, it means diving headfirst into the world of creation, whether it be coding a new website, crafting a compelling design, or even writing lines of code that might initially seem lackluster.

Yet, the journey doesn’t end with just getting started and getting moving. The true essence lies in the commitment to keep on moving. It’s about resilience in the face of challenges, persistence in the pursuit of excellence, and the unwavering belief that every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to the grand narrative of success.

So, as I embark on this journey to break free from the shackles of uncertainty, I invite you to join me. Whether you’re a fellow web developer seeking inspiration or someone navigating their own path to professional redefinition, let’s embrace the mantra together: Get Started, Get Moving, and Keep on Moving. Because, in the end, progress is not defined by the absence of challenges but by the relentless pursuit of growth, one step at a time.